Aryans to Start 3 Years B.Sc. Medical Lab Sciences Program
IKG-PTU, Jalandhar allotted 60 seats from 2020-21
Mohali 27th September
Pandemic Covid-19 with which the whole world is fighting has put Paramedical Sciences in spotlight. The demand of paramedics is growing manifold day by day because of this pandemic. The Paramedical Professionals have emerged as one of the front line workers in the health and medical sectors.
Dr. Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group of Colleges, Rajpura, Near Chandigarh said that keeping in mind the demand of paramedical courses, Aryans has also started B.Sc in Medical Lab Sciences from the session 2020. Medical & Non- Medical pass out students can take enroll under this 3 years degree course approved by IKG-PTU, Jalandhar vide university notification number IKGPTU/Reg./Affi./1332-1338 dated 15/08/2020. Interested students can call on Aryans admissions helpline numbers 98762-99888, 98765-99888 or apply at www.aryans.edu.in
Kataria further added that Aryans is already running B. Pharmacy, D.Pharmacy, GNM, ANM, etc from past years and the demand for these paramedical courses has increased post Covid as the increase in number of patient with variety of diseases and the demand for immense treatment has paved the way for Paramedical Professional to provide better quality to human health care.
Kataria further added that the requirement of Para medical staff including staff, nurses, pharmacists, laboratory technicians, radiographers, male & female health workers etc across the country has increased tremendously. The retaining of the students in the state would add to the economy of the state.
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