AICTE Approval Letters
Extension of Approval (EOA) for 2021-22
Extension of Approval (EOA) for 2020-21
Extension of Approval (EOA) for 2019-20
Extension of Approval (EOA) for 2018-19
Extension of Approval (EOA) for 2017-18
Extension of Approval (EOA) for 2016-17
Extension of Approval (EOA) for 2015-16
Extension of Approval (EOA) for 2014-15
Extension of Approval (EOA) for 2013-14
Extension of Approval (EOA) for 2012-13
Extension of Approval (EOA) for 2011-12
Extension of Approval (EOA) for 2010-11
Extension of Approval (EOA) for 2009-10
Extension of Approval (EOA) for 2008-09
Letter of Approval (LOA) for 2007-08
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President, Pharmacy Council of India addresses Aryans Pharmacy Students in his first visit to Chandigarh
Dr. Montu Patel graced the conference on “Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences” organised by Aryans College of Pharmacy
A Conference on “Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences” was organized by Aryans College of Pharmacy, Rajpura, Near Chandigarh in PHD Chamber of Commerce, Chandigarh . The event was graced by Dr Montu Kumar Patel, President, Pharmacy Council of India as the Chief Guest. Sh. Shushil Kumar Bansal, President, Punjab State Pharmacy Council, Punjab & Dr. Shailesh Sharma, Member, Academic Council, IKG Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar were the Guests of Honour. Dr. Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group presided over the session.
The conference commenced with felicitation of dignitaries, lamp lighting during inaugural ceremony. Hundreds of Pharma students & Faculty members from various colleges attended the conference.
The renowned pharma professionals including Dr. Parveen Garg, Chairman; Dr. GD Gupta, Director; ISF College Moga; Mr. Rohit Kansal, CC Member, PCI; Dr Rahul sharma, Bela College of Pharmacy; Dr Bharat Parashar, Dean, Pharmacy ICFAI University, Baddi; Dr Kumar Gourav kashyap Principal, GGS Pharmacy College, Yamunanagar etc were the distinguished guest & the key note speakers of the conference.
While addressing all, Dr. Montu Patel appreciated the efforts of Aryans College of Pharmacy. He said it’s my first visit in Punjab & I am happy to learn that Aryans Group is doing a wonderful job in the field of education since last 15 years & today I am interacting with budding Aryans Pharmasists. It’s great that in Aryans more than 3500 students are studying from around 20 States across the country, Patel added.
Further, Patel highlighted the role of Pharmacists in research and development, especially in clinical trials, pharmacovigilance and drug safety. He dwelled upon the importance of such a lecture at a time when pharmacy profession is fast transitioning worldwide from bench side to bed side and the focus is shifting from the product to the patient.
Dr. Kataria, Chairman, Aryans while thanking the President, PCI & addressing all present said that the pharmacist can contribute effectively towards building a healthier, happier and safer society. Pharmacy has always been an exciting and rewarding career, but has recently become on the most pursued fields in the health care industry after pandemic. Pharmacy students have high hopes for Patel to become the president, PCI, kataria mentioned.
Dr. Shailesh Sharma spoke about the recent trends in pharmaceutical sector, research and development as well. He emphasized upon the need to enhance skills, competencies, know-how and abilities of pharmacists in various specializations of pharmacy.
Sh. Sushil Sharma discussed recent trends and latest advancements made in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences and also threw light upon the future challenges posed by this profession for the pharmacists in India & abroad as well.
Dr. Parveen Kataria, Director General, Aryans Group; Dr. Parsanta Das, Principal, Aryans College of Pharmacy, Dr. Pradeep Bhateja, Dr. Krishan Singla, Prof. BS Sidhu Director, Aryans Group; Dr. JK Saini, Director, Aryans College of Engineering; Dr. Garima Thakur, Deputy Director; Ms Kusum Sood, Dean, Academics; Ms. Manpreet Mann, Dean, Scholarship etc. were also present.

SDM, Rajpura addresses Aryans Nursing students
International Nurses day celebrated at Aryans
To focus on the true value of nurses to the people of the world, Aryans Institute of Nursing (AIN), Rajpura Near Chandigarh celebrated International Nurses Day on this year theme “Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Invest in Nursing and respect rights to secure global health”. Mr. Himanshu Gupta (PCS), SDM, Rajpura was the Chief Guest of the occasion Mrs Rajinder Kaur, Principal, SGHS College of Nursing was the Guest of Honour. Dr. Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group presided over the event.
Gupta while addressing nursing faculty & students highlighted on the importance of contributing to humanity and outstanding role played by nurses. He expressed his deep sense of gratitude to the nurses who are on the front line to save mankind, especially during this Covid pandemic & stressed on encouraging the present generation to join Nursing. He also said that teachers play a major role in the future nursing education and to bring the best out of the students.
Aryans Nursing students including B. Sc. Nursing, GNM & ANM pledged their noble profession, under leadership of Mrs. Rajinder Kaur. She said that today nursing has evolved into a profession with wealth of skills and professional knowledge but the world is facing an acute shortage of nurses and nurses are overburdened, which further increases the stress among them. Recognizing nurses and their work would definitely motivate the nurses for better output, which will improve patient care, added Kaur.
Ms. Nidhi, Principal, AIN said that Nurses are the largest group of health professionals, who are the closest and often the only available health workers to the public. Sufficient, adequately trained and motivated nurses are essential for the health of the population. Equitable access to necessary health services of good quality cannot be achieved without an adequate number of appropriately prepared nurses, she said.
It is to be mentioned that International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world on May 12, birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, to mark the contributions nurses make to society. Nursing students participated in various cultural activities on the occasion. Ms. Neha Thakur, Ms. Himanshi, Ms. Nandini, Ms. Kanika, faculty, AIN were present.
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Aryans Law students visit Punjab & Haryana High Court
Advocate General, Punjab interacted with Aryans LLB & BALLB students
A visit to Punjab and Haryana High Court was organized by Aryans College of Law, Rajpura, Near Chandigarh for LLB and BA-LLB students to enhance the knowledge of their domain. Hundreds of Aryans law students learnt various process for trials, justice during this visit.
Students also got an opportunity to meet Advocate General, Punjab, Sh. Anmol Rattan Sidhu. He encouraged the students to stay focused and determined. He advised students to start their practices as advocates from the trial courts.
The visit was aimed at making the students aware of the functioning of various bodies of justice and to learn the high court procedures and procedure for quick administrative justice to the people. Students visited various courtrooms to observe the court proceedings. Mrs Navneet Kaur, HOD; Mrs Neelu; Ms Akanksha Rana; Ms Jenifer, Faculty, Aryans College of Law were also present.

Aryans Honours best Principals/Teachers of the region
Assistant Commissioner (UT), Patiala was the Chief Guest
A seminar on “Empowered Woman Empowers Women” was organised by Aryans Group of Colleges, Rajpura, Near Chandigarh. The event was graced by Ms. Chandrajyoti Singh, IAS (UT), Patiala as Chief Guest. Dr. Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group presided over this ceremony. Around 40-45 best science teachers were honoured on the occasion for their exceptional contributions in the field of education. Dr. Parveen Kataria, Director General, Aryans Group was the keynote speaker of the session & she spoke about accepting women’s viewpoints, making an effort to seek them, raising the status of women through education, awareness, literacy, and training. From Patiala region more than 70 schools attended this event.
Singh appreciated the effort of Aryans Group for organizing the event. While addressing all she said that Education is the initial line of defense for women who withstand life-imperiling circumstances that traditional lifestyle perpetuates. It motivates a sense of supervision over personal fortune. As far woman empowerment is concerned, anyone educating a girl empowering her. However, concentrating solely on educating girls will not result in empowered women unless teachers are themselves skilled and active promoters of gender equality, highlighted Chandrajyoti.
Dr. Anshu Kataria said that Empowering women is the need of the hour as it is most required in the progress and development of the country. Not only women but also men should realize their responsibilities and share them. Both are equally important. Women need to change their mindset and voice their issues. They should identify their potential and no longer think of themselves as weak but become psychologically, mentally and physically strong. He thanked Assistant Commissioner for gracing the occasion. He also congratulated all women teachers for their extraordinary contribution in the field of education.
Renowned educationists including Smt. Veena Arora, S. Jatinder Singh, Smt. Mani Vashist, Smt. Indu Bala, Smt. Gurdeep kaur, Smt. Suman Bagga, Smt. Parminder Kaur, Sh. Sandeep Kumar, Smt. Maninderpal kaur, Smt. Neera, Sh. Balbir Singh, Smt. Gagandeep Kaur, Smt. Varinderjeet Kaur, Smt. Parvinder kaur, Smt. Sucheta Rani, Smt. Amanjot Kaur, Sh. Jagga Singh, Smt. Baljeet Kaur, Smt. Davinder kaur, Smt. Amandeep Kaur, Sh. Gurbhej Singh, Smt. Satvinder kaur, Smt. Balvinder kaur, Sh. Rajesh Kumar etc. were present on the occasion.
Prof. BS Sidhu Director, Aryans Group; Dr. JK Saini, Director, Aryans College of Engineering; Dr. Garima Thakur, Deputy Director; Ms Kusum Sood, Dean, Academics; Ms. Manpreet Mann, Dean, Scholarship etc. were also present.

Aryans Pharma Students visit North India’s Largest Pharma Expo in Chandigarh
Today Aryans Group of colleges arranged educational trip for their Pharmacy students in North India’s largest Pharma and Lab Tech Expo at Sector 17, Chandigarh. Aryans students of B. Pharma & D Pharma with Dr. Krishan Kumar, Principal & Mrs Kalindi Madaan HoD visited over 200 Pharmaceutical company’s stalls & learnt latest trend and technologies in the pharmaceuticals, drugs and formulations.
Experts from Pharma companies shared their knowledge with all and the students interacted enthusiastically. Students explored Pharma Manufacturing Equipments, Packaging, Quality Analytics, Tablet coating, Compression Machines, Lab Equipment, Analytical Tools etc.