Renowned West Bengal’s pharma expert Dr. Prasanta Das Gupta joins Aryans Group, Chandigarh
Mohali 14 August
Renowned pharma expert Dr. Prasanta Das Gupta recently joined as Principal at Aryans College of Pharmacy, Rajpura, Near Chandigarh. The institute offers B.Pharmacy & D. Pharmacy course which are approved by Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), New Delhi & affiliated with Maharaja Ranjeet Singh Punjab Technical University (MRSPTU), Bathinda.
Dr. Das is Doctorate in Pharmacy with rich experience in Industry & education Sector of Pharmaceutical field in Senior Management position. He has around 15 years of rich experience in Education sector as Principal & Professor of Pharmacy Institutes & total 15 years of vast experience in Production/PPIC/QC & QA/Development of different dosage forms in Pharmaceutical Formulation and also in API & Herbal Drug units.
Das said that pharmacist occupies the largest bulk of the health care force but the biggest challenge posed by this profession is staff shortage. Pharmacists are involved and responsible for wide area activities in industry. In industry where there is drug, there is pharmacist, this is true for India too, added Das.
Dr. Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group while welcoming him said that Pharma Professionals are the integral part of healthcare system. Duties and Importance of pharmacist is less understood but role of pharmacist is indispensable from discovery to rational use of drugs. Pharmacist role is not acknowledged by some governments and policy makers and this lead to commonplace irrational use of drugs; both through prescription and self medication.