Renowned Orthopaedics interacts with Aryans Nursing and Pharma students
Mohali Jan 20th
With the aim to educate students to prevent & cure sports injury, Aryans Institute of Nursing, Rajpura, Near Chandigarh organised a seminar on “Love Your Bones, Protect Your Future.” Dr. Amandeep Garg, Ex Senior Resident, Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Sec -32, Chandigarh, Consultant Orthopaedics, Simrita Hospital, Rajpura was the keynote speaker & addressed Aryans B.Sc. Nursing, GNM & ANM students. Dr. Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group presided over.
Dr. Garg while addressing said that According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 30 million youth participate in some form of organized sport. Of these, about 2.6 million sustain serious injuries each year, with over 1.35 million visits to the emergency room.
He further added that preventing sports injury isn’t always possible, but more often than not, common sports injuries are caused by a lack of proper safety gear, overtraining, or incorrect form. By following safety guidelines, we can reduce injuries, stressed Garg.
Later he discussed the importance of various factors including warm up, sports specific movements, stretching, progress, cardiovascular activity, rest etc.l. Mrs. Nidhi Chopra, Principal, Aryans Institute of Nursing later highlighted the importance of hydration & proper healthy diet for a sports person.